zaterdag 7 november 2009

esculturas andantes

Hola chicos

For the moment i'm the only volunteer in la aldea but i'm working like a fasttrain at my clothes for my fashionshow. I feel realy good now in La Aldea but Jorges health is quite bad now. Dorien and I worry a lot; life is realy intense now.
I have also a good friend in Oña: witch is great. I don't feel alone.
So There are so many things to tell that i don't know where to begin. I prefer to tell you all 'en vivo' in Belgium soon!



maandag 21 september 2009



I had a great week. We worked alot to get ready the instalations and the outfits for the fair in Briviesca on saturday. We had a great time there. I walked around as a walking sculpture / blue princess or diva (free for interpretation). Abby was dressed like some strange indian/bushguy. Together we fooled with people and did some strange things on the market: some theatre, giving little messages to the people. sing very loud, ... It's so great to confuse people :) hihih
Yesterdayevening Abby and me had on our own a little goodbye-party with irish-coffee and chocolates that my aunt sent me from Belgium for my birthday. We had a good time, but now she left and I'm now the only volunteer here. But it's OK. It realy feels like home now. I began to love all the little things here: it's a strange but a good life. The next volunteer will be an english girl. We don't know yet when she will come. We'll see ....



dinsdag 15 september 2009



Last week I had a new meeting with other volunteers in Valencia. It was great: it's allways nice to meet other people who are in the same situation as you. Or more or less though: nobody goes to a project in a village where five persons live. It's funny to see the reactions every time: WHAT???? what do you mean five persons? No bars? No shops? What do you mean your house is also the bar? And why the hell did they build a cutural centre in a place where nobody lives?
Allways the same explanation and then when we say goodby: "Sarah, a lot of courage! You wil come out there very strong!" LOL
Now I am making a kind of a dress, it's more like a walking mountain with a big cancer or something: I made the volumes with tubes for electric cables and sewed some fabric around them. I make it for a meeting on saterday for artistic interventions in Briviesca.
What else? My mouthharpskills are getting realy better and I read a lot here.
Further am I realy tired now because I didn't sleep well.

Last but not least: I have a suggestion for a very nice game. When you are in a group working on something and you are all falling asleep. Try this!!! Search one person of the group. Somebody says GO. Start chasing the person you chose and run tree times around him or her!!! Imagine what happens when everybody does that. LOL



dinsdag 1 september 2009

amerika, frankrijk en oostenrijk vertegenwoordigd in la aldea


Jullie lezen het: een nieuwe lading wereldburgers in La Aldea. Ik amuseer me enorm met Abby, de Amerikaansche deerne die hier is neergestreken. Zij is als een ware berggeit die hier alle kliffen opholt alsof ze niets zijn. Ze komt dan thuis met bergen kruiden, pruimen, braambessen, stenen en andere dingen waarvan je je afvraagt: "en waarom komt het in iemand zijn hoofd op om dit op de rapen en mee te nemen naar huis?" Ze verhuisd meubels van dorp naar dorp om overal waar ze komt in de zetel te kunnen zitten en een mooi zicht te hebben op de bergen. Ze construeerde al een theeboom in onze keuken en zovoort enzovoort. Ik lees haar voor uit een nederlands boek over conserveren van groenten en fruit in het teken van nuttige bedtimestories :)
Verder heb ik dit weekend mijn verjaardag gevierd in Peroblasco: een waar sprookjesdorpje tussen bergen met middeleeuwse terrasstructuren om graan te kweken. Het middeleeuws dorpje werd opnieuw gebouwd door een bende gevoelige heren met behulp van jongeren in werkkampen. Ik noem ze gevoelige heren omdat hun huisjes net kabouterhuisjes zijn met heel veel leuke details waarvan ik dacht dat alleen vrouwen ze zouden bedenken. Hartjes met rozeblaadjes, koddige bankjes, kleurtjes, boekjes, beeldjes, prettige hoekjes, ..... De natuur tracteerde me daar ook op een sterrenhemel die ik nooit eerder heb gezien. Schittereeeeeeeeend!!!!! Ongelooflijk. Op mijn verjaardag zelf was ik helaas ziek, maar het concert en het avondmaal de dag ervoor heeft veel goedgemaakt.

Volgende week weer op vrijwilligerscursus! Deze keer in Valencia.



maandag 10 augustus 2009

torremolinos en oorontsteking

hola chicos

Jah ik leef nog (een beetje). In het Zuiden van Spanje heb ik een heel intense week beleefd: veel nieuwe mensen leren kennen: ongeveer heel Europa was daar vertegenwoordigd: heeeeel bijzonder. Na de internationale meeting ben ik naar Sevilla getrokken: schiiiiiiiiiiiitterende stad ! Bruisende flamencobars, heel veel keramiek wanden, bordjes en dingetjes, kleurige huizen, prachtige bomen, appelsienebomen, arabische architectuur. Een stad naar mijn hart maar veeeeeeeeeeeel te warm: 45 graden eist airco en airco is niet de vriend van mijn oren, dus die zijn maandag maar beginnen ontsteken met als gevolg dat ik heel de week alleen maar mijn bed gezien heb. Ondertussen ben ik weer een beetje levend: fysiek ok, nu mij nog mentaal weer een beetje opkrikken want het was een heel triestige week zo ziek ver weg van mijn vertrouwde vriendjes en mijn mama en mijn papa (Hi) Maar bon alles komt altijd weer goed. Daarnet een grondige babbel gehad met Dorien (fijn dat dat in het Nederlands kan) en dat deed deugd.
Ondertussen zijn we hier nog met twee vrijwilligers: Vardan en ik. Eva en Jacopo hebben hun tocht verder gezet. We missen ze hard: maar er komen altijd nieuwe mensen; er gebeurt hier altijd wel iets.

Lieve schatten, hierbij laat ik het even: wat fijn om eens in het Nederlands te schrijven.



zaterdag 25 juli 2009

grande spectaculo del malabarista italiano


This week we went to Bilbao: nice to know that shops stil exist. We enjoyed to walk a little in the centre and to visit the gugenheim museum: great exposition there!
Today we have prepared the show of this evening: diaboloexperte end acrobate Jacopo has his first show here in Aldea. I'm his personal assistant :) Yesterday we drove to villages in the area to promote the show and insure to people that they realyy have to come. At the moment Jacopo is smoking sigarettes like a mad guy because he is very nervous, but everything will be alright.
Tomorow early in the morning I leave La Aldea to go to torremolinos: a buzy place at the southcoast of spain full of tourists and beachpeople. I go there for an EVScourse with other voluntarians to get to know eachother, the language, the country and eachothers cultures. I look forward to it: I'm allways in for more travelling. I only feel nothing for laying on a beach full of dark baked people, but ok: I guess we have a full program (not to do on the beach)
Next weekend we have the exposition of Vardan and after that I realy have to start work hard at my personal project because this week I didn't have the time to work on that. I also was a little ill (headache) This other climate and food and ritme asks much of my body. I miss my foodattitudes of belgium. Normaly I eat tons of vegetables and fruit. Here we eat lots of eggs, meat, beans, bread, pasta and rice. We can cook vegetables, but the other volunterians don't like that much: only here and there in a recepy a courgette, a carot or an onian. We do have everyday salades and dorien does here best to make many vegetables. I'm only used to eat tons of them :)




dinsdag 14 juli 2009


Hoera hoera

Another voluntarion has arrived: un chico de Italia: Jacopo. It's always a party when more people join us in La Aldea. He's very social: when somebody new comes we talk about everything we know about eachothers country. All the Italian movies, artists and recepies we knew are discussed. Tonight FIESTA in our house.
Yesterday I went to Miranda de Ebro with Dorien to buy food for three weeks. It's 45 minutes driving to the first big supermarket. Miranda is an ugly city with lots of industry and it's the second city in the world with that much cocaine in the wather: drugs, drugs, drugs, .... the first city is New York: imagine!!
I'm painting a lampcap (???: lampekap in duch) now: later i'm going to make a frame to put the lampcap on and then Jorge and me are going to install a lamp in it: yes, finaly i'm going to learn a bit about electricity :) Further I'm working on my personal project: a big project I will work on for six months. I'm going to organise a fashionshow with strange clothes, dance and my own artworkes as decor. It will be also an activity with people from the neighbourhood: I need models and dancers he: I like it.

This is it for now.

Ah and I have a spanish number for my mobile: 0034 699 72 58 41



woensdag 8 juli 2009



This weekend I went to Burgos. There were fiestas: a little similar to the gentse feesten: great!! There was a concert of a band that played Flamenco music: we danced alot. Later we went to the bars ( a lot of alternative bars in Burgos: I like it).

In La Aldea the same slow rithm:I feel like I'm on holidays although I also get used to it now. All the new stuf vanished now. It's important to work on my spanish because it's easy to get borred when you can't communicate with the others. The tree volunteers in La Aldea are all quite silent people. Jorge and Dorien don't like that, but we try and I guess that when we speak well spanish in a few weeks, we will talk more and get a little more alive. You get quite fast tired when you have to talk in a language you don't know well. But for me it's easier than for the other volunteers because Dorien speeks Duch. Now and then we have a little talk: that makes me feel faster like at home.
Now I finished the painting of the van: they like it: ooof. I will start with a new artproject now; the volunteers will also make an artwork together. We will make a tree of iron and hang things in it. Vardan will make leaves in glas, I will work with rope and texts and Eva will make some paintings!I look forward to start with this project.



woensdag 1 juli 2009

week 2

Bienos dias!!

I like life here. In the morning we work in the garden with our sombreros on our head. After that we work alot on our artworks. I'm painting the van like my typical drawings: soon fotographs of that here :)
We work with music on the background: we have the same taste: lots of worldmusic ... and of course JACQUES BREL. The Spanish people will know the Belgians!!!
Last weekend there was a gathering with some people from the area for courses about egologic agriculture. We also visited a farm where Sabel makes ecologic cheese of sheepmilk: very very tasty.
Dorien and Jorje make a lot of action for ecologic agriculture and other themes like stopping the nuclear central in Burgos and take action against the autopista: a big autoway politicians want to build through the mountains. I like all these actions!!

Ok That's it for today. And for those who want to call me now and then: 0034 947 301404
This is the number of the phone in the house of the voluntarios. It's more cheap!! I like a call now and then: best call in the evenings around nine or during the siesta: 03h00 till 05h00

Hasta luego!!!


vrijdag 26 juni 2009

a week imagenes y palabras


Viva españa!
Very sweet people. People are warm and help me all the time to communicate and feel a little at home.
I live with Eva, a French girl and Vartan, an Armenian man. It,s difficult to communicate: sometimes I feel very lonely, then I listen to some music, go sleeping. Every day is a new beginning: then it goes better! The message is: be open for new things aaaall the time!
Every day warm. almost allways sun this week. We do many differant things: work in the garden, restauration of old artworks, making new ones, cleaning the village ( almost the whole village is el hacedor: the name of our organisation)
It's funny: there's a plaza mayor there.
The food is magnificent: all fresh biovegetables from the garden. Dorien coocks like grandma: great recepies. super!!

More later



donderdag 18 juni 2009

nog thuis

Raar gevoel: alles achterlaten ...
Overmorgen vertrekken. Alles in een rush afgewerkt. 
Op naar nieuwe oorden.
Ik heb er zin in :)